
Thursday, November 17, 2005

A Love-Hate Relationship

It was snowing as I left for work this morning. Snow can be a real pain in the neck. It makes it harder to drive. It is cold. It means extra chores (shoveling). And yet, even though there is so much not to like about it, I always get this feeling of utter excitement the first time we have real snow falling.

Some people think of the beginning of winter as being the solstice in December. But for me, it is the first time it snows. So for me…it is winter now. And I love it too until around January when it gets *really* cold and I am sick of the snow and forget to notice just how beautiful it is.

1 comment:

islandarts said...

I hear ya Lynne,
we don't get snow here- maybe a little but it usually melts as soon as it hits the ground. Or it lasts a week. I love it for the short period and it makes me miss the long winters of Alberta.
I'm crazy for missing it but I do.